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Cloud Computing - Reaching The Sky with Turbulence

Sameer Kalra

In past, somewhat three to five years before the pandemic many firms were looking to reduce the IT cost relating to building and maintaining servers. This led many to go for a hybrid model in which they use captive data centres for core operations and cloud servers that are external for non-core operations. At first, the acceptance was gradual and limited to a section of corporates.

But since the pandemic has resulted in a quick and large-scale shift to remote working with an unpredictable environment there has been a large-scale acceptance of cloud servers and many products based on them.

This is not only limited to corporates but since many households are using IoT (Internet Of Things) products such as Alexa and connected appliances the indirect usage-based due to this is huge.

As there are many positives to such services, there are many flaws as well.

First, are the restrictions of opting out or switching to other service providers. Given that the services are shown as flexible compared to having captive hardware, any switch within service providers is hard as technical restrictions create many layers.

The second and the most critical is the exposure of cyberattacks. Now you might think that it does not happen much often but in the last six months, many such large-scale attacks have taken place. As a reference, AWS (Amazon Web Services) was hit by such an attack leading to massive downtime leading to many disruptions at corporate and individual levels.

These are issues that are most critical from every user's point of view and since there are no regulations or security protocols the data and customers are more vulnerable than ever.



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